Ed Sheeran紅髮愛德 - Eraser
[INTRO] Em7 - Cadd9 D [VERSE] Em7 I was born inside a small town, I've lost that state of mind 出身於一個小小城鎮,單純的思維如今已消逝無蹤 Cadd9 D Learned to sing inside the Lord's house, but stopped at the age of nine 在上帝的懷抱中學會了歌唱,但九歲的時候中止了學習 G Em7 I forget when I get awards now the wave I had to ride 每次得獎的那一刹那,都令我忘卻過去的起起落落 Cadd9 D The paving stones I played upon, they kept me on the grind 曾經嬉戲,過的石子路,讓我不忘努力向上 G Em7 So blame it on the pain that blessed me with the life 所以要恨就恨那給我啓蒙的痛苦吧 Cadd9 D Friends and family filled with envy when they should be filled with pride 家人與朋友都忌妒著我,但他們應該要為我感到驕傲才對 G Em7 And when the world's against me is when I really come alive 而當整個世界都衝著我來,那就是我發光發熱的時刻 Cadd9 D And everyday that Satan tempts me, I try to take it in my stride 而每當惡魔嘗試與我為敵,我會努力hold住大局 G Em7 You know that I've got whisky with white lines and smoke in my lungs 善意的謊言伴隨著威士忌的味道,菸霧佈滿了我的胸腔 Cadd9 D I think life has got to the point I know without it's no fun 我想人生已經走到了那,如果沒有這些就會覺得無趣乏味的地步 G Em7 I need to get in the right mind and clear myself up 我自覺需要將自己導入正途並改過自新 Cadd9 D Instead, I look in the mirror questioning what I've become 但相反的,我凝視著鏡子裡的自己,憂愁於眼前的模樣 G Em7 I guess it's a stereotypical day for someone like me 我想這大概又是像我這種人的典型的一天 Cadd9 D Without a nine-to-five job or an uni degree 既沒朝九晚五的工作,也沒學歷 G Em7 To be caught up in the trappings of the industry 被捲入了這色彩繽紛的產業中 Cadd9 D They showed me the locked doors I find another use for the key, and you'll see 請帶領我找尋那命運之門,我會想辦法用自己的鑰匙打開它的,你等著瞧 [CHORUS] Cadd9 G D D/A I'm well aware of certain things that can destroy a man like me
Cadd9 G B7 Em7 But with that said give me one more, higher 但雖然這麼說請再多給我一些試煉 Cadd9 D Em7 Another one to take the sting away 我是,另一個會自我修練之人 Cadd9 D Em7 I am happy on my own, so here I'll stay 我可以自得其樂,才能造就了現在的我 Cadd9 D Em7 Save your lovin' arms for a rainy day 請保留你那溫暖的懷抱,等大雨的時候再給我關懷 Cadd9 D And I'll find comfort in my pain, eraser 而我會在那能擦拭痛苦的橡皮擦裡得到安慰 [VERSE] Em7 I used to think that nothing could be better than touring the world with my songs 曾經認為,沒有比帶著我的歌世界巡迴演唱更棒的事情 Cadd9 D I chased the pictured perfect life, I think they painted it wrong 我不斷追求著衆人夢想的生活,但這夢想實際上並不完美 G Em7 I think that money is the root of evil and fame is hell 驚覺錢財是萬惡之淵,名聲地位宛如地獄 Cadd9 D G Relationships and hearts you fixed, they break as well 再怎麼修補感情與心意,它們仍照常破碎 Em7 And ain't nobody wanna see you down in the dumps 而沒有人想去體會你的心情 Cadd9 D Because you're living your dream, man, this shit should be fun 因為你正活在夢想中,應該要充滿歡樂 G Em7 Please know that I'm not trying to preach like I'm Reverend Run 請明白我並非想要像牧師一樣談大道理 Cadd9 D I beg you, don't be disappointed with the man I've become 我只求你不要對我現在的樣子感到失望 Em7 Our conversations with my father on the A14 在高速公路上與老爸通話 Cadd9 D Age twelve telling me I've gotta chase those dreams 那年12歲,他告訴我必須勇敢追求自己的夢想 G Em7 Now I'm playing for the people, dad, and they know me 如今我已成為衆人皆知的明星了,老爸! Cadd9 D With my beat and small guitar wearing the same old jeans 拿著那把破吉他穿著那同一條牛仔褲 Em7 Wembley Stadium crowd two hundred and forty thousand
Cadd9 D I may have grown up but I hope that Damien's proud 或許我已成長,但我只希望偶像戴米恩萊斯能替我感到驕傲 G Em7 And to the next generation, inspiration's allowed 給下一代的你們靈感的,啓發是需要的 Cadd9 D The world may be filled with hate but keep erasing it now, somehow 這世界或許遍佈仇恨,但我們不斷找尋方法去洗刷它 [CHORUS] Cadd9 G D D/A I'm well aware of certain things that will befall a man like me 我很明白,有些事會讓災難降臨於我這種人 Cadd9 G B7 Em7 But with that said give me one more, higher 但雖然這樣說,請再多給我一些試煉 Cadd9 D Em7 Another one to take the sting away 我是,另一個會自我修練之人 Cadd9 D Em7 I am happy on my own, so here I'll stay 我可以自得其樂,才能造就了現在的我 Cadd9 D Em7 Save your lovin' arms for a rainy day 請保留你那溫暖的懷抱,等大雨的時候再給我關懷 Cadd9 D Em7 And I'll find comfort in my pain eraser 而我會在那能擦拭痛苦的橡皮擦裡得到安慰 Cadd9 D Em7 And I'll find comfort in my pain eraser 而我會在那能擦拭痛苦的橡皮擦裡得到安慰 Cadd9 D And I'll find comfort in my pain eraser 而我會在那能擦拭痛苦的橡皮擦裡得到安慰 [BRIDGE] Em7 Welcome to the new show 歡迎蒞臨這齣全新的秀 Cadd9 D I guess you know I've been away 我想你也知道我消失了一陣子 Em7 But where I'm heading, who knows 何去何從我也不知 Cadd9 D But my heart will stay the same 但我的原則不曾動搖 Em7 Welcome to the new show 歡迎蒞臨這全新的秀 Cadd9 D I guess you know I've been away 我想你也知道我消失了一陣子 Em7 But where I'm heading, who knows 何去何從我也不知 Cadd9 My pain eraser 我的痛苦橡皮擦 [OUTRO] Cadd9 D Em7 And I'll find comfort in my pain eraser 而我會在那能擦拭痛苦的橡皮擦裡得到安慰 Cadd9 D Em7 And I'll find comfort in my pain eraser 而我會在那能擦拭痛苦的橡皮擦裡得到安慰 Cadd9 D Em7 And I'll find comfort in my pain eraser 而我會在那能擦拭痛苦的橡皮擦裡得到安慰 Cadd9 D And I'll find comfort in my pain eraser